Think of rehabilitation as helping the human body to correct injured tissues through corrective exercise training, proprioception or balance, and endurance training.
Methods and Techniques Used in Rehabilitation
Manual Therapy
This is a form of therapy that involves direct use of the hands to correct and improve function of the injured region.
Active Release Technique
Active Release Technique involves direct use of the hands to correct and improve function of the injured region. This therapy is used to treat scar tissue and movement errors with a manual pressure onto the actual muscle and then produce a full range of motion with the muscle, joint, or nerve being treated.
Graston Technique

Graston Technique is a form of therapy that involves direct use of the tools or instruments to correct and improve function of the injured region and break up scar tissue and improve range of motion. Read more about the Graston Technique and testimonials from patients.
Corrective Exercise Programs
Corrective exercise isn’t just a basic strength training program, but it is one that only focuses on the exercise needed to improve muscles without inhibiting the ones that are working properly. Don’t worry, you don’t have to be a body builder, CrossFitter, or consider yourself “in shape” to perform these exercises and benefit from them.
LightForce Laser

Not the cold laser of the past, the LightForce LightCure Laser is the new class 4 laser. It is actually the same class as a lasik laser and has the ability to speed up recovery times as much as 55%. This laser requires goggles and should only be used by a licensed provider.
This laser has many benefits, but one of the best is the ability to treat pain and inflammation at the deepest levels.
Find out more about the LightForce LightCure Laser and what to expect as a patient.